Thursday 14 July 2011

Keep it clean

how good it feels to have a clean room.
cleaning the house is never a fun task especially when your told to do it.. but in your room. your own place of sanctuary where you are the sole owner of everything inside, to have all things organized and in their proper place and at your will, such a positive feeling.
i know well the feeling of being happy in your clutter, as my room usually looks like it just got hit by a tornado. and i don't except the threat that usually comes from your mother saying how embarrassed you'd be if someone came in your room right now to see that mess. i strongly believe in the explanation that anyone who is allowed to come in your room, should be someone you know well, as your room is a very personal place, and doesn't care about the condition of your floor, and if they do care that much, what are they doing in your room? i know exactly where everything is.. laptop, on that messy pile of last weeks clean clothes; shoes, ones in front of the door and the others under my bed; necklace, also in the pile of clean clothes.. but when i take the time to clean and i begin to sort out the misplaced things in my room, it starts to feel good, like I'm sorting my life and my ideas, i get going on this cleaning roll and suddenly i can see my floor, paints have the right lids and are over on the shelf, desk is cleared, and all the clean cloths are folded in their drawers.
positive energy is now able to circulate without being interrupted by mess and disorganization and the opportunity for new creativity arrives.

i once heard a story about a man who lived an ordinary life, no special job, plain girlfriend, nice family, but he always felt anxious and soon fell into depression because he felt so worthless and insignificant in the big world. when he finally gained the courage to reach for help, and it does take courage, he decided to try going to a therapist, the best in town. on his first day the therapist had the man tell him about an average day in his life and explain the way the things he does make him feel. after an hours session of the man ranting about the things that make him unhappy, this is what the therapist told him, "go home and tomorrow morning, make you bed." now the man reacted almost as if he had been insulted.. "what do you mean" he said, the best therapist in town who does not come cheep i might add, just told him to go home and start making his bed every morning. the man stormed out of the office with no intension of ever returning and repeatedly thought to himself what stupid advice he had just received and the money he had waisted. but for some reason, the next morning, that man made his bed. and he did this every morning for weeks. and a month later he returned to the therapist very apologetically and explained how he felt like a new man.

starting your day with order and routine helps motivate you for the rest of your day, which sometimes is all it takes to keep you happy and positive. so if your feeling distraught try making your bed in the morning and see how it effects your day.

--again this is a post from my first blog.. still applies :P

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