Thursday 1 September 2011

written in the air

-currently over the atlantic in the most uncomfortable plain ride ever! girl beside me seems nice but wouldn't let me have the aisle seat.. bitch. oh wait.. oh ok some turbulence.. here we go again.. already crushed two and a half flicks, 1 the losers.. pretty lame but kept me entertained enough, the second was a documentary style done of course by the lovely BBC called Human Planet: Jungles, that was sick! all about different people groups that live in different jungles all over the world.. GAHHH more turbulence! 'crew to your seats' that cant be good.. anyways! i will choose to ignore/try to ignore my surroundings and ramble some more about the movie. there were tribes of people in south america who build there houses wayy up in the tree tops! and other tribes that are all into the musicalness of the forest who where playing the drums almost with the river. just smacking it with there hands and creating a beat that others would join in on down the river to put together a rawring natural song :) the last one i didnt get fully through, it was another BBC The Earth Made Us: water.. or something like that. it was aight.. to distracted though otherwise i would defs be more into it.
-been up to pee twice, and to be honest I have nooo clue what time it really is.. the cell phone I have with me (from Canada) says 12;41 am, but my laptop (also from Canada) says 11;12pm…
-I know our air plain pulled out of the docking stating to go over to the run strip at 6:05 pm –my phone time.. so I think ive now been in the air for  almost 7 hours… GAH MORE TURBULANCE!
Also looking at the flight tracking I am now almost over the altantic!! Hurray! We are about to fly over Ireland and the UK then next is onto the mainland to touch down in Brussels Belgium!!
-local time at destination arrival 5:23am.. im so lost
-estimated time of arrival 7:02?

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