Tuesday 13 September 2011

the hood

currently scamming internet off the balcony of my new apartment while listening to.. someone.. belt 'rolling in the deep' as loud as they can.. i cant quite place which window its coming from.. its now past 8pm and our beautiful neighbor, who is on time every single other night, should be outside on his balcony bbqing or cooking over the stove just inside in nothing but his tight ass black underwear, yeah you read that right, with his two little kids running around him and his semi good looking wife in the background. sitting outside staring at him do this has become part of our routine every night. its like a movie honestly lol he would never get away with something like this back home. oh and i didnt mention but he is ripped! :) should we feel guilty about ohing and awing over him because he clearly is married with a cute little fam, probably..
true blood has become a new obsession of the house, though we have only made it through the first two episodes due to our current internet, or lack of, situation..
tomorrow is the first official art history lecture of the year and i am super stoked! our prof is this super cute old guy from cech who has been teaching this class for over 25 years.. he knows his shit :)
just about to go back to the studio for some late night drawing :) we are in the middle of our first assignment which is supposed to be a collage of 10 words that express our first impressions of moving here.. its pretty lame and we only have had a week, kinda feels like a waste of time cause we could have just jumped right in and started with our body of work that we will each be creating in our time here. whatever i am having fun with mine, doing a drawing instead and collaging my words into each other in the drawing.. we'll see how it goes.. so far it is proving to be a much more difficult task than i originally planned for because of the scale i'm working on and the detailed imagery.. we'll see
i really want to get a tattoo while im here so im having fun brainstorming ideas about it.
i've been having really weird dreams ever since i've been here involving random sonorous with people back home. still have trouble falling asleep every night and still feel anxious all the time but what else is new.. such is life and life is good :)

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